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You and the Kids are First Always June 18, 2012

Good Evening,   I have been contemplating on how to begin todays note.  I gave it much thought because it is a subject I have been hearing allot of lately, Domestic Violence.

Thankfully I have never experienced such horror and I hope that none of you ever do.  It is a difficult situation to deal with but it is one that you can take control of.  I wanted to share a website with you so that you  are equipped with information. Sometimes we feel that you don’t have any place to turn to or to embarrassed to even mention it, Don’t be it isn’t your fault.  Abuse comes in many ways, verbal, mental and physical.  I am not an expert but I have seen many to know that there is help, that there are caring people out there.  One of the saddest parts is that there are so many cases that are left unreported. It isn’t just the woman being battered, it is also the children and its that violence that they see that continues to fuel this destructive behavior.   I want to share this website so that you can empower yourself and take control because you have so much give.


If you know of anyone that is being abused dont’ keep it to yourself, you owe it to that person, to that child to help and report it.

It takes just one person to care, why not let it be you.–abuse-53/domestic-violence-the-facts-195.html.

What are the different forms of domestic violence?

According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, abuse often begins with verbal behaviors such as name-calling, threats, and hitting or throwing objects. It can become worse, including pushing, slapping, and holding against the victim’s will. Further battering may include punching, hitting, and kicking and may escalate to life-threatening behaviors such as choking, breaking of bones, or use of weapons.

The following are forms of domestic violence and battering:

  • physical – battering or hitting causing physical injury that may include bruising, broken bones, internal bleeding, and death. Often the abuse begins with minor contact and escalates over time into more violent actions.
  • sexual – often accompanies or follows physical battering, and results in rape or other forced sexual activity.
  • psychological or emotional – an abuser often mentally or emotionally abuses with words, threats, harassment, extreme possessiveness, forced isolation, and destruction of belongings. Isolation often occurs when the abuser tries to control a victim’s time, activities, and contact with others. Abusers may accomplish this through interfering with supportive relationships, creating barriers to normal activities, such as taking away the car keys or locking the victim in the home, and lying or distorting what is real to gain psychological control.
  • stalking – repeated harassing or threatening behavior; often leads to physical or sexual abuse.
  • economic – when the abuser controls access to the all of the victim’s resources, such as time, transportation, food, clothing, shelter, insurance, and money. For example, he may interfere with her ability to become self-sufficient, and insist that he control all of the finances. When the victim leaves the violent relationship, the perpetrator may use economics as a way to maintain control or force her to return.

Lastly, today’s task: If what I wrote about is something that you know of because of a friend or family member or perhaps you yourself have been in an abusive relationship in the past you owe it to yourself to help another out.  The link will give you information on volunteering.  If this isn’t a program that you’re interested in its ok,  pick one that you feel strongly about and give time back to your community. Stay strong and StandUpLatina and be proud.


Safe Horizon:

Toll free#  If you or someone you know are being abused…
Call 800.621.HOPE (4673)

New York Presbyterian Hospital:


Security first, its about keeping them safe June 14, 2012

Hi again,

I had posted a list of wonderful activities and places you can go with the kids earlier this week but I left out a very very important component, security.  When we leave the house its so important to have a plan of action in place.  What with so many kids getting lost and hurt I wouldn’t want that to happen to any of you.  I found a website that gives great helpful advice on how to prepare before leaving your home if you’re going to a street fair, amusement park or a playground.  The most important thing is to discuss a game plan with them.  They need to know that if they God for bit get lost or wander away from you they should look for a woman (mother) with kids, a shop assistant or a police officer and tell them they need help to find their mother.


Here is the link, they offer great safety tips when out and about with the kids.  Its always best to be safe then sorry…. So check it out and set a plan before heading out.

And lastly the daily task;  Because we’re always in a rush we always tend to just pull our hair into a bun or a ponytail and run out.  Why don’t you try to add a hair accessory to it.  It’ll look like you took the time to fix yourself as oppose to looking like you just rolled out of bed.  There are really great hair accessories available especially since they are the hottest thing now.  You can get them at just about any shop now but if you have the extra cash to splurge you might want to look into  They have really really beautiful hair accessories, check them out. Till manana…Have a great evening and StandUpLatina and be proud.