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Security first, its about keeping them safe June 14, 2012

Hi again,

I had posted a list of wonderful activities and places you can go with the kids earlier this week but I left out a very very important component, security.  When we leave the house its so important to have a plan of action in place.  What with so many kids getting lost and hurt I wouldn’t want that to happen to any of you.  I found a website that gives great helpful advice on how to prepare before leaving your home if you’re going to a street fair, amusement park or a playground.  The most important thing is to discuss a game plan with them.  They need to know that if they God for bit get lost or wander away from you they should look for a woman (mother) with kids, a shop assistant or a police officer and tell them they need help to find their mother.


Here is the link, they offer great safety tips when out and about with the kids.  Its always best to be safe then sorry…. So check it out and set a plan before heading out.

And lastly the daily task;  Because we’re always in a rush we always tend to just pull our hair into a bun or a ponytail and run out.  Why don’t you try to add a hair accessory to it.  It’ll look like you took the time to fix yourself as oppose to looking like you just rolled out of bed.  There are really great hair accessories available especially since they are the hottest thing now.  You can get them at just about any shop now but if you have the extra cash to splurge you might want to look into  They have really really beautiful hair accessories, check them out. Till manana…Have a great evening and StandUpLatina and be proud.