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The Best Things in Life Are Free! June 22, 2012

Filed under: Uncategorized — standuplatina @ 10:42 pm
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Just like the song says “The Best Things in Life Are Free”..Don’t you just love it when things are free.. ahhh I sure do..

Well, speaking of free, I was planning my week and I came across a site that gave such interesting information regarding free or very low cost  locations to bring the kids to.   From the Bronx zoo to the Queens Botanical Gardens. Unfortunately most are not on the weekend, you can just plan a day at the park, a good BBQ (love those) or the beach.  During the week you might want to check out whats available. Some of the locations listed are pretty awesome. check it out!

And now for the task of the week, now that summer’s here you might want to lighten up the hair just a bit and change the tone of makeup you use.  Its about brightening your colors,  Its about you Girl so Standup Latina and be Proud!


Dogs Days of Summer.. Where’s the Relief? June 21, 2012

Filed under: family fun — standuplatina @ 9:14 pm
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Hi Everyone,

Summer is in full gear in New York with sweltering temperatures of 99 and above.  It’s enough to fry an egg on the sidewalk wish it was enough to melt the fat away..HA! Wishful thinking. 

The weekend is approaching and I gather your wondering where to bring the kids for some much needed relief from the heat.  I gathered some information on several pools within the area that are either free or at a low fee. Below are links to locations of different pools throughout the five boro’s.  I’ve also managed to include Long Island.  Beaches are also open,  I prefer Jones Beach but if transportation is limited for you Rockaway beach is pretty cool now adays.  Stay within the beach 96 – 101. That area is family friendly besides it has this great Empanada/Arepa place called Caracas.. There delish!  There a bit pricey but so worth it.








Lastly,  don’t forget that sunblock.  It must be applied every 30 minutes.  Now since were going to the beach, I wanted to include a task that will work well while your sunbathing and enjoying the sun with the kids.  Why not put on one of those head scarfs bring it down little towards the middle of your forehead, something colorful and don’t forget to dab on lipgloss and pretty earrings..  Looking good is feeling good… StandupLatina and be Proud!


You and the Kids are First Always June 18, 2012

Good Evening,   I have been contemplating on how to begin todays note.  I gave it much thought because it is a subject I have been hearing allot of lately, Domestic Violence.

Thankfully I have never experienced such horror and I hope that none of you ever do.  It is a difficult situation to deal with but it is one that you can take control of.  I wanted to share a website with you so that you  are equipped with information. Sometimes we feel that you don’t have any place to turn to or to embarrassed to even mention it, Don’t be it isn’t your fault.  Abuse comes in many ways, verbal, mental and physical.  I am not an expert but I have seen many to know that there is help, that there are caring people out there.  One of the saddest parts is that there are so many cases that are left unreported. It isn’t just the woman being battered, it is also the children and its that violence that they see that continues to fuel this destructive behavior.   I want to share this website so that you can empower yourself and take control because you have so much give.


If you know of anyone that is being abused dont’ keep it to yourself, you owe it to that person, to that child to help and report it.

It takes just one person to care, why not let it be you.–abuse-53/domestic-violence-the-facts-195.html.

What are the different forms of domestic violence?

According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, abuse often begins with verbal behaviors such as name-calling, threats, and hitting or throwing objects. It can become worse, including pushing, slapping, and holding against the victim’s will. Further battering may include punching, hitting, and kicking and may escalate to life-threatening behaviors such as choking, breaking of bones, or use of weapons.

The following are forms of domestic violence and battering:

  • physical – battering or hitting causing physical injury that may include bruising, broken bones, internal bleeding, and death. Often the abuse begins with minor contact and escalates over time into more violent actions.
  • sexual – often accompanies or follows physical battering, and results in rape or other forced sexual activity.
  • psychological or emotional – an abuser often mentally or emotionally abuses with words, threats, harassment, extreme possessiveness, forced isolation, and destruction of belongings. Isolation often occurs when the abuser tries to control a victim’s time, activities, and contact with others. Abusers may accomplish this through interfering with supportive relationships, creating barriers to normal activities, such as taking away the car keys or locking the victim in the home, and lying or distorting what is real to gain psychological control.
  • stalking – repeated harassing or threatening behavior; often leads to physical or sexual abuse.
  • economic – when the abuser controls access to the all of the victim’s resources, such as time, transportation, food, clothing, shelter, insurance, and money. For example, he may interfere with her ability to become self-sufficient, and insist that he control all of the finances. When the victim leaves the violent relationship, the perpetrator may use economics as a way to maintain control or force her to return.

Lastly, today’s task: If what I wrote about is something that you know of because of a friend or family member or perhaps you yourself have been in an abusive relationship in the past you owe it to yourself to help another out.  The link will give you information on volunteering.  If this isn’t a program that you’re interested in its ok,  pick one that you feel strongly about and give time back to your community. Stay strong and StandUpLatina and be proud.


Safe Horizon:

Toll free#  If you or someone you know are being abused…
Call 800.621.HOPE (4673)

New York Presbyterian Hospital:


Gerber Baby Food Hoax June 16, 2012

Filed under: Uncategorized — standuplatina @ 11:24 pm
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Good Evening,

I wanted to share some quick information with you especially when it comes to our children.   There has been allot of information regarding a Gerber Baby food item being recalled.  This is not true, it is  a hoax.  You can check out this site for real food recalls..


Its always best to be safe. Enjoy your evening and wishing a Happy Fathers Day to your Papi’s…StandUpLatina and be Proud!


Butt what’s this all about?

Hi there!

The other day I caught up with one of my new favorite daytime shows “Bethenny”.  She had Coco on her show and they spoke about her, what else? Butt.  Though I always thought Coco’s butt was artificial but you know what?  Who cares!  What I did find interesting was her work out, here’s that link you should check out it.!.

Now,  I know that we are trying to shed those last few pounds before the kids are done with school and the beach weather is in full gear. But you have to agree with me that the Butt is one of the very important if not THE most important part now adays.  I mean really, you know they’re gonna look at you when you walk away might as well make sure it looks as good as it could.

There is allot of talk about the Brazilian workout, Brazilian gazillion you and I know that those tapes are so darn expensive and most of us can’t afford a real gym.  What we can do is utilize the internet and most of us all have a computer.  Now adays, you can find almost anything on youtube, from how to apply makeup to how to cook a particular dish.  You can also find a how to get “The Butt”.  I have done some homework and I found one of the best ones in my opinion.  Check it out and let me know however,  if you do decide do commit  you must remember to be consistent.  You could see some results if you’re watching what you’re eating in as little as 2-3 weeks.  So what are you waiting for,  there is plenty of time before the 4th of July beach weekend.  Everyone is getting into these workouts heck even itunes is offering a $0.99 cent butt workout app for your iPhone or iPad.  You might want to check that out.  Here is the butt workout I mentioned, its pretty intense,  This youtube video is really really good however if you have the budget to purchase Leandro Carvalho’s Brazilian butt workout do it.  If you read my last post about Beachready you saw there was a link to the page about BeachBody. Within that package the Leandro Carvalho’s butt workout CD is part of the Beachbody package.  If you don’t  not to worry, the above youtube link does the trick.

And lastly my daily task, make sure when your going out today that you have on your sunscreen. Always make sure that you apply the sunscreen especially on the face and of course the rest of the body.  You want to take care of your face, you don’t want to prematurely wrinkle.  I have for years taken care of my skin and thankfully it has paid off.  So remember before leaving the house apply that sunscreen and the lipgloss oh and don’t forget that hair accessory.. Have a glorious day, don’t sit around Standuplatina and be proud.


Security first, its about keeping them safe June 14, 2012

Hi again,

I had posted a list of wonderful activities and places you can go with the kids earlier this week but I left out a very very important component, security.  When we leave the house its so important to have a plan of action in place.  What with so many kids getting lost and hurt I wouldn’t want that to happen to any of you.  I found a website that gives great helpful advice on how to prepare before leaving your home if you’re going to a street fair, amusement park or a playground.  The most important thing is to discuss a game plan with them.  They need to know that if they God for bit get lost or wander away from you they should look for a woman (mother) with kids, a shop assistant or a police officer and tell them they need help to find their mother.


Here is the link, they offer great safety tips when out and about with the kids.  Its always best to be safe then sorry…. So check it out and set a plan before heading out.

And lastly the daily task;  Because we’re always in a rush we always tend to just pull our hair into a bun or a ponytail and run out.  Why don’t you try to add a hair accessory to it.  It’ll look like you took the time to fix yourself as oppose to looking like you just rolled out of bed.  There are really great hair accessories available especially since they are the hottest thing now.  You can get them at just about any shop now but if you have the extra cash to splurge you might want to look into  They have really really beautiful hair accessories, check them out. Till manana…Have a great evening and StandUpLatina and be proud.



Hi There,

In yesterdays blog I mentioned where you can stock up on fresh delicious fruits and vegetables, hopefully you took a trip there and you weren’t disappointed.  Now that you have your fruits and vegetables in check what about the rest of you.  I mean you’re taking care of your insides what about the outside. I always want to make sure that you take care of YOU.  We’re always so busy with the kids that we tend to not take care of ourselves.  When we look good we feel good and when we feel good it shows in so many ways..


I was turned on to a new program well new to me, its called TeamBeachbody.  Its a new way of getting fit.  It comes with a whole bunch of stuff in it, from weights, to shakes, measurements well allot of stuff.  I will be taking the Beachbody challenge.  Just want to warn you, it is a bit costly about a little over $100 but I’ve seen tremendous results.  I will be taking the challenge shortly.  I’ll be ordering the package next week and will be posting before and after pictures once I’ve completed the program.  If interested in checking out the information you can log on to Check it out, Let me know what you think.


Lastly,  I wanted to give you the task of the day:  Always make sure that you encourage your child, always tell them you love them, hug and kiss them and when you’re spending time with them make sure to turn the cell phone off. This is your time with them don’t let anyone or anything distract you from those precious moments with them.  Remember those moments will never come back so cherish them .  When you take care of their needs, you’ll see how much better things can be.  Have a great day and StandUPLatina and be proud!


Budget smudget What about me? June 12, 2012

Filed under: Beauty at home for you,Self help — standuplatina @ 9:13 pm
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Hi there!

Hoping that you’ve filled up your calender for things to do this month with the kids, just incase you didn’t catch it, check out my June 10th blog (summer around the corner).  I’ve listed a ton of things that can be done this month for FREE with the kids thanks to TimeoutNYKids.  Now that you have the entertainment in place for the kids, what about you? Were able to check out the job/training program I listed earlier? It’s a really good program for those that want a change and feel the need to sort of help others then this might be something you might be interested in  Hopefully  you’re on your way to new possibilities, to changes.

Now lets get to you. We always tend to do for others and forget to care for ourselves.  Be it because of budget or time.  Well, I’m here to tell ya that there no excuses.  I’ve found some interesting ways of pampering yourselves that are super easy to do and it’ll fit right into your budget and your time.  Think lemons, salt, oil and sour cream.

I’ve have done a little research and I’ve come up with ways to pamper ourselves on a single mommy’s budget now that summer is here.  This can be done at night once the kids are sleeping and you have that 1 hour if at all to pamper yourself.  I found a few home remedies that work,  I’ve tried them and I tell ya, it has saved me money.  I should know,  I have had to start a budget and thankfully I’m on track though there are some times where I’ve over extended myself but thankfully I’ve always caught up.  These are just a few ways to help you look good, feel good and still stay within your budget.  Lets talk about exfoliation, now most of us have always gone into bath and body works or perhaps to Savon and spent upward of $25 – $50 on products to exfoliate our bodies.  Then we use only a little at a time so we can extend the life of that jar because we know we won’t be able to get another jar for awhile. So ladies,  I’ve found a simple and easy way to do it and it’ll cost ya $2.75.  Thats right! just $2.75.  You need salt (table salt ok) but if you have budget to splurge on sea salt better, get a lime or a lemon and some oil and thats it.  You can use any oil, I like the Neutrogena body oil because it smells so good but you can use any oil that your budget can withstand.  Sounds simple doesn’t it?  Mix those ingredients together and viola! instant body scrub. You can switch it up and use sugar if you want but the point is that we don’t need to buy those expensive products , at home remedies are really just as good without the brand name. Cause really, we are only paying for the brand name.

Now many of us shave and find that you get razor bumps, the darker the skin the more prone you are to getting those nasty bumps. Well ladies I’ve found a cure, you can use sour cream,  aha, thats right Sour Cream.  You can buy the cheapest in market, it doesn’t have to be  the above mentioned brand.  I just happened to like the texture of this brand.  Once you’ve purchased your sour cream and if you are all done with your shaving you just spread it on your skin it will help you with the razor bumps or shall I say, Razor bumps no more!.

I was watching a TV show the other day and they had some really great home remedies the name of the show is called “Bethenny” on Fox.  They mentioned these great at-home remedies you might want to check out yourself .  I’ll list them below, try them and let me know what you think.  If there is any other remedy your interested in getting information on, let me know and I’ll work on getting that information to you.

Lastly,  today’s task:  Try to gather up any lightly used toys that your kids aren’t using and donate them to a shelter or an after school program.  Most of the time the after school programs have limited budgets and can’t buy new toys because there budget can only handle crayons or paper or something in that area.  By donating your lightly used toys you’ll be helping out more than you can imagine.  Have a great evening and StandupLatina and be proud!


DRY FEET:  take a bucket and pour some beer in it,  just soak your feet in the concoction, it should be soften them up

PIMPLES:  take a ripe brown or spotty banana peel and rub it on the pimple, it will dry it out

HAIR MASK:  mash an avocado add 1 egg and some olive oil, spread on hair-leave it on for about 10 minutes rinse and you’ll have smooth shiny hair.


Affordable summer delights June 11, 2012

Filed under: Self help — standuplatina @ 1:44 pm
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Good Morning,

Now that summer is on the way we always tend to want to lose weight, heck I know I do.  Guess it’s the heat and its also because I see some people that look so great and are fit not to mention all those gorgeous outfits.. It truly motivates me I don’t know about you.

Buying fruits and vegetables on a single mothers budget can be awfully challenging.. We want to give the best and freshest fruit and veggies we can serve our kids.  I’ve shopped at many places, from the fresh green markets, deli’s , fruit stands and super markets and no one but no one beats this neighborhood fruit stand I’ve been frequenting these past few months, the place is called Valentinos.  It’s located in Ridgewood Queens, borderline Brooklyn on Fresh Pond Road and Madison Street. No,  I don’t get paid mentioning this I simply want to give my readers the best possible place for fresh, delicious, cheap fruits and veggies.  Now, to get a great deal on fruit and veggies you must stick with what’s in season. You might want to check out this page, it’ll give you the entire list of fruits and veggies available this summer season and there are lots of them to chose from just incase your child is a picky eater (


Now, when you get to Valentino’s, try not to go on the weekend because its like you’re going for the hottest toy in christmas and you found (1) and you’re running for that last one with 10 other parents behind you running for the same thing.. I know it sounds crazy but thats how crazy it is at Valentino’s. So be patient and let the crazies go by so you can shop and get what you need.  Don’t stress yourself, remember stress eguals everything else we don’t want and if you’ve read my last blogs you know what I’m talking about.  There are fruits in the front right before you enter those are good and the best priced fruits available now you can also go inside but the fruits cost just alittle more. The fruits outside are just as good as the ones on the inside they’re just priced to be moved fast..I  usually grab strawberries, green apples, grapes, pineapple and blueberries from the outside.  The pineapple there is the cheapest I’ve ever found ($2.00) per pineapple Wow! Also, the string beans, my favorite are also beautifully priced.  I love  buying them, I clean them up and cook  them in some spaghetti sauce sprinkle some parmesan cheese over them once their cook and your set.  I guarantee, your kids will love them.  I mean who doesn’t like spaghetti sauce? If you can make your own great if not the store bought one will give you the same effect.  If you’re interested in learning how to make home made sauce, leave me a comment and I’ll post it.  There is nothing like fresh homemade spaghetti sauce, less sodium and lots of flavor not to mention the nutritional value tomatoes offer.




We must try to eat at least 5 servings of fruits and veggies a day, I know that it sounds impossible but if you just add one fruit and veggie a week to what you’re already consuming by the time you know it, you’re eating the right amount of it. Come on challenge yourself, you can do it.

And now for the task of the day… Try to help an elderly neighbor, most of the time they are alone and in need of company, it could be as easy as a hello, how are you today or do you need anything.  It’s about changing things around you so that your universe becomes what you want it to be don’t forget that you get what you put out..

Have a great Day and StandUpLatina and be proud!


Summer around the corner June 10, 2012

Filed under: family fun — standuplatina @ 3:57 pm
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Good Morning,  Isn’t is great summer has finally arrived at our doorsteps it couldn’t have come any sooner.  As our kids complete school I know that many of you are wondering what to do with the kids this summer.. There are so many free or low cost things that can be done in the city.

From a puppet festival in Brooklyn to a fish parade in the Bronx, June is full of free festivals, fairs and parades for families to enjoy this summer. Scroll through the below list and make sure to mark these family activities on your calendar. Thanks to TimeoutKids, I have the scoop on all the best summer concerts for families. Many of the series kick off in June with big-name performers including Audra Rox at Madison Square Park (June 12) and Karen K and the Jitterbugs at Carroll Park (June 23).

June 9–15

Vintage Police Car Show
Dozens of police cruisers from days of yore, as well as TV-show autos like the Batmobile from the 1960s series, go on display outside what used to be New York City’s 1st Precinct. Car owners will answer questions throughout the afternoon. Sat June 9 10am–4pm. New York City Police Museum. Free. All ages. 

Brooklyn Pride Celebration 
The borough’s more-manageable LGBT celebration—a week before the big shindig in Manhattan—includes music acts, food vendors, craftspeople, nonprofit booths and a dedicated kids’ play area with storytime, puppet-making workshops and more. Sat June 9 at 11am. Prospect Park West at 15th St, Park Slope, Brooklyn ( Free. All ages.

Nature Fest 2012 
The Staten Island Museum’s annual environmental fair is back again (this time at Willowbrook Park, by the carousel) with a wealth of family offerings. Kids can try to find various animals and plants in a scavenger hunt, take a nature walk with a Staten Island Museum naturalist, check out a beekeeper demonstration (no worries; it’s safe) and get busy at the Mad Scientist table with “hair-raising experiments.” Also on the roster is an Up Close with Staten Island Nature station where little ones get to explore the likes of tortoise shells and fossils. Snacks will be available for purchase at the carousel concession stand.Sat June 9 11am–3pm. Willowbrook Park. Free. All ages. 

Figment NYC
Governors Island explodes with artistic energy at this weekend devoted to outside-the-box creativity. Kid-centric highlights include the mini-golf course “Arcade” and an interactive sculpture garden, while other activities include face-painting and sculpture-making sessions. Sat June 9, Sun June 10 10am–6pm. Governors Island. Free. All ages.

Egg Rolls and Egg Creams Festival
Honoring the bonds of Lower Manhattan’s Jewish and Chinese communities, the Museum at Eldridge Street goes ova-board with this annual block party. A klezmer march and Chinese acrobatics are followed by art activities for kids, calligraphy workshops, Yiddish- and Chinese-language lessons, and of course, plenty of the festival’s namesake snacks.Sun June 10 noon–4pm. Eldridge St between Canal and Division Sts (212-219-088, Free. All ages.

Puerto Rican Day Parade 
For more than a half-century, tens of thousands of costumed musicians, baton twirlers, school groups and cultural organizations—not to mention about 3 million spectators—gather to honor the city’s Puerto Rican community. This year’s parade theme is “Puerto Ricans in Higher Education.” Be forewarned: The parade gets crowded and, at times, boisterous. Sun June 10 at 11am. Fifth Ave from 44th to 79th Sts (718-401-0404, All ages.

Museum Mile Festival 
Once a year, a mile of Fifth Avenue (between 82nd and 105th Sts) is closed to traffic for the ultimate street fair. This year, nine museums within that stretch open their doors to the public free of charge (among them El Museo del Bario, the Museum of the City of New York, the Jewish Museum, the Guggenheim and the Met) and offer families a slew of kid-friendly activities, including a special chalk drawing project in front of the Museum of the City of New York. Also look for live music, magicians and clowns performing on the grand avenue. Check our guide to the night’s festivities for more specifics. Tue June 12 6–9pm. Fifth Ave between 82nd and 105th Sts (212-606-2296, Free. All ages. 

June 16–22

Hunts Point Fish Parade and Summer Festival
What originally began as a protest of the Fulton Fish Market has evolved into a neighborhood institution, loosely modeled on Coney Island’s infamous Mermaid Parade. Marine-costumed revelers march from Hunts Point Riverside Park to Barretto Point Park, where the festivities continue with games and performances for kids of all ages. Sat June 16 10:30am–5pm. Parade starts at Hunts Point Riverside Park at 10:30am; festival is atBarretto Point Park noon–5pm. Free. All ages.

Bang on a Can Marathon
You might want to bring the earplugs: This annual percussionfest gets very loud, with 12 hours of free live music played by hundreds of musicians. Sun Jun 17 noon–midnight.World Financial Center Winter Garden. Free. All ages.

Make Music New York
Aaron Friedman’s annual day of music kicks off across the city with mass musician meet-ups, with the likes of clarinetists and toy-piano players. Music lovers can unite throughout the day to take in impromptu performances and parades, featuring everyone from high-school up-and-comers to more recognizable names. Thu June 21 dawn–10pm. Various locations ( Free. All ages.

June 22–30

Mermaid Parade 
Coney Island’s answer to Greenwich Village’s infamous Halloween Parade might be a little risqué for some tiny ones, but plenty of families scope out King Neptune as he presides over wacky floats, marching bands and a dazzling array of scantily clad, seafaring sirens.Sat June 23 at 2pm. Surf Ave from W 21st to W 10th Sts, Coney Island, Brooklyn ( Free. All ages.

Brooklyn Kite Festival 
Young kite enthusiasts are invited to catch a breeze from the river during this high-flying event. Kids can bring their own kites or purchase one on-site. Sat June 23 10am–2pm.Brooklyn Bridge Park, Pier 1. Free. All ages.

Family Fishing Celebration in Central Park
Families learn about aquatic ecology at this annual celebration that includes catch-and-release fishing in the Harlem Meer. Fish-themed crafts and a microscope activity with the New York Microscopical Society will be offered to kids. From 12:30 to 2pm, check out a storytelling performance featuring the Magic Goldfish. Sat June 23 noon–3pm. Central Park, Charles A. Dana Discovery Center. Free. All ages.

Inti Raymi
The Andean Festival of the Sun celebration includes performances by the Ecuadorian dance group Ayazamana. While you’re at the museum, explore the many exhibits that teach kids about the Native people of the Americas. Sat June 23 2–4pm. National Museum of the American Indian. Free. All ages.

Summer on the Hudson Fishing Festival
With help from the NYC Parks Rangers, kids learn how to cast a line, get a fish nibbling and reel in the catch. Or simply take part in river-related activities and aquatic arts and crafts. Fishing equipment is provided. Sat June 30 11am–3pm. West Harlem Piers Park. All ages.

Enjoy the month!.
 PS:  Task for the day:  Always try to go out with little lip gloss, even if your going to the corner store.. When you look good, you feel good.. Standup Latina and be Proud!